3580A - Agilent HP Spectrum AnalyzersThe 3580A is 5 Hz to 50kHz low frequency, high performance spectrum analyzer. The 3580A 1Hz bandwidth allows the user to examine noise and extraneous signal content close in to a signal of interest. The 3580A features an adaptive sweep which allows the user to set a threshold above which only the spectra of interest are observed. Digital storage is another important feature of the 3580A which enhances the display for slowly swept low frequency signals.
Specifications Low end frequency limit 5.00 Hz High end frequency limit 50.00 kHz Resolution Bandwidth Min. 0 Resolution Bandwidth Max. 1.00 Hz Amplitude Range (linear) 20 V-100 nV full scale; (log) +30 dBm or dB V and -150 dBm or dB V Prestige Test Equipment Inc is an independent distributor and is not affiliated with Agilent Technologies. |