DC 504A - Tektronix Frequency Counters

DC 504A - Tektronix Frequency Counters

The DC 504A counter/Timer measures frequency from DC to 100 MHz, with an internal prescaler being used for frequencies above 10 Mhz. Both direct and prescaled counting aew done through the same input connector.Autoranging permits virtual hands-off operation for most measurements. The 100X resolution multiplier automatically provides 0.01 Hz resolution in one seond or 0.001 Hz resolution in ten seconds on signals from 10 Hz to 25 kHz. The DC 504A features period and width averaging of up to 1000 events.Input trigger sensitivity is 30 mV RMS across the entire 100 MHz frequency range. The totalize mode permits totalizing up to 999,999 events.

Minimum Frequency

Maximum Frequency
100.0 MHz

Frequency Resolution Digits

Frequency, Period, Count totalization

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